Assorted Free Website Templates, Free Blogger Template, Free WordPress Templates, Free Joomla Templates, Free osCommerce Templates, Free Drupal Templates, etc

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Free Atimex Blogger Template

Posted by Ujie Caprone 11.28, under | No comments

Info :
Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Name Template Atimex
Designer newwpthemes
Template Author Kumar
Description Free Atimex Blogger Template is a nice blogger template converted from WordPress Theme to Blogger Template. This template is 3 column blogger template for main post and left & right sidebar. This template suitable for all type blogs
Categories 3 Column Blogger Template | Black | Simple | WordPress to Blogger
Similar Templates Ireng Seksi Blogger Template & Bionex Blogger Template



Free Ireng Manis V2 Blogger Template

Posted by Ujie Caprone 11.21, under | No comments

Platform Type :
Blogger / Blogspot

Name Template :
Ireng Manis V2

Designer & Author :
Ireng Ajah

URL Author :

Description :
Free Ireng Manis V2 Blogger Template is an elegant magazine style blogger template with featured content slider. This template is next version of Ireng Manis Blogger Template with more clean code, semantic structure code also with featured content. Features of this template : 3 column blogger template, 3 column footer template, featured content slider, Twitter & RSS Feed, Ads Ready Template, comment avatar ready, navigation and more. This template also Seo friendly blogger template with semantic heading level. It's suitable for all type blogs.



Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Free Blogger Template iGifts

Posted by Ujie Caprone 14.01, under | No comments

Info :
Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Name Template iGifts
Designer newwpthemes
Template Author Kumar
Description Free iGifts Blogger Template is a nice and clean blogger template converted from WordPress Theme to Blogger Template with automatic image slideshow for featured content . This template is 2 column blogger template for main post and right sidebar.
Instructions Setting iGifts Blogger Template
Categories 2 Column | White | Gray | Pink | Clean | Personal | Image SlideShow | WordPress Theme to Blogger Template
Similar Templates Pink Blogging V2 Blogger Template & Mirelly Blogger Template



Free Blogger Template Alfina

Posted by Ujie Caprone 13.58, under | No comments

Info :
Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Name Template Alfina
Designer newwpthemes
Template Author Kumar
Description Free Alfina Blogger Template is clean blogger template converted from WordPress Theme to Blogger Template. This template is 3 column blogger template for main post and 2 right sidebar. It's also ads ready blogger template
Categories 3 Column Template | Black | Gray | White | Clean | Ads Ready Template | WordPress Theme to Blogger Template
Similar Templates Just News Blogger Template & Ornament Putih Blogger Template



Free Blogger Template Red Factor

Posted by Ujie Caprone 13.51, under , | No comments

Info :
Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Name Template Red Factor
Template Author Biyan
Description Free Red Factor Blogger Template is a simple blogger template with look like 3d for title post. This template is 2 column blogger template for main post and right sidebar and suitable for all type blogs
Categories 2 Column Template | With | Dark | Simple
Similar Templates Puzzled Blogger Template & Hening Blogger Template



Free Blogger Template Delta Red

Posted by Ujie Caprone 13.46, under | No comments

Info :
Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Name Template Delta Red
Template Author VKBhardwaj -
Description Free Delta Red Blogger Template is a great blogger template converted from WordPress Theme to Blogger Template with nice featured content. This template is 2 column blogger template for main post and right sidebar, dropdown menu also 4 column footer
Categories 2 Column | 4 Column Footer | Red | Green | Black | Elegant | Featuered Content | DropDown Menu | WordPress to Blogger
Similar Templates Top Game Blogger Template & Black Fox Blogger Template



Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Icon Status Online YM

Posted by Ujie Caprone 10.15, under | No comments

You often see a icon / logo of Yahoo Messenger installed on your blog or website you visit, this icon represents the Customer Servicer or Contact Person of a Web service / Blog. For those who have long been aware of blogging generally in this way, but for those who still lay or just starting to learn the blog is still confusion installation. Well here I'll share how I install the Messenger icon on your blog.

Note the following figure:
(If the picture is less clear, point the mouse cursor on the image then right click> Open Link in New Tab)

1. Log into your blogger akum
2. Click on Design> Page Elements
3. Click Add a Gadget
4. Choose HTML / JavaScript> Add
5. Enter the following code in the gadget above:
<anbsp;href=”ymsgr:sendIM?YM_ID“><imgnbsp;border=”0″ src=”;Number “/></a>

- YM_ID << change so ID Yahoo Messenger
- Icon Number << Enter the number of icons shown in the image above.

6. Then click Save.
OK Done .., please see your blog.

Making Energy Save mode on Blog

Posted by Ujie Caprone 10.11, under | No comments

Sebenanya term Energy Save mode is for electricity which we all know, but for the Web and Blog is also available. Similarly, in computer terms "Stand By". I was also puzzled to explain this Energy Save mode like what .. Try to go to my blog then leave about 1 minute more, then will appear as shown beside.

Here's how to install Energy Save mode:
1. Log into your Blogger account
2. Click Design
3. Click Edit HTML
4. Click to check the Expand Widget Templates box
5. Search codes <head>
6. Put the following code right above the code <head>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>

7. Click Save Template

Good luck and good luck ....!!!

Rabu, 03 November 2010

Establishment of the Institute of Education Website

Posted by Ujie Caprone 08.43, under | No comments

In the current era of globalization, the use of the Internet we socialized in every aspect of human life, including educational institutions which are now almost entirely already have internet and website facilities as one form of information service to Students, Faculty, alumni and the general public.

Website itself is one form of mass media publications through the Internet, this website can be accessed 24 hours and from any hemisphere. Another advantage of the publication through the website is interactive and distribution capabilities very fast.

Through the website, educational institutions and the agency can publish profiles can provide opportunities to students and faculty for online to his writings, thesis abstracts, journals and other scholarly works.

Therefore, we are from KonPerSi (Community Care Information) A community of bloggers who develop a CMS such as Joomla and aura cms, so build a web becomes simple and cheap. try to work with schools that you lead in order to manufacture the website, which is the gateway to go public educational institutions are cheap and quick.

Benefits of a website for education is:
1. Branding company
-profile institutions to prospective students Students, alumni, media, and the general public
-Publicize the achievements, and excellence Äêprestasi Institute, Äêkeunggulan
Institution that you lead
-Making the website will form a brand that you manage the Institute is a professional institution in the eyes of students, community and parent carers
-Enter your website address to the letterhead and any other publications will
very helpful to improve your brand Institution

2. Digital Documentation Center
-digitize archival paper / paper or seminar presentation either before or after the event so that it can be accessed anytime and anywhere from the internet.
Photo-exhibition center activities are shown as a photo album online gallery.

3. Presenting uptodate information
- Publish the latest news coverage either alone or excerpts from the mass media.
-Socializing the agenda of the institution or student organization.

4. Interactive Services
- Surveys and polls online
- Forum discussion that is where discussion of a topic, which will
Students enrich their knowledge.
- An online guest book, visitors can provide comments / critiques and suggestions
to the institution.
- Meng, Äêonline, Äêkan abstracts, theses, journals and other scholarly works that can be
can be downloaded by other students, especially from out of town.
- Digitize the book collections of the institution, whether the writing of the institution or from outside
- Recording of lectures from the lecturer in writing and digital voice and
published it in intene
- Meng-onlinekan Registration, Payment and Value Removing Online.

The estimated content of the website (the default for your organization) are:
1. Profile
oSambutan Rector / Head of School
Contains welcome Mr. Rector / Head of School about this website
o Vision / mission and goals
o History
o The structure of leadership
o Education system
Contains information about credits, etc.
o Campus Map

2. Facilities
o Computer Lab
Contains information on the number, specification, and the contents of the computer. And also the manager,
instructors and curriculum provided to students.
o Library
Contains information on the number of books, management, membership requirements /
borrowing, and others.
o Development Center
o Support Facility

3. Registration Information
Contains information on registration requirements for new students
oSeleksi potential students
o entrance exam
o Moving from PT / Other Schools
o Re-registration
The resignation o

4. Registration / Re-registration
Contains information on registration requirements for older students
Conditions of Registration Administration
o Place and Time Registration Administration
o If no to Register Administration
o Fee Payment Schedule

4 News
Agenda of activities until the end of the academic year
o News
Collection of information on previous news archive
o national and international cooperation
News information collaboration ever undertaken Inter-Campus

5. Online media
Contains the contents of the bulletin which was published Campus / School (for files, Äênya still
o Journal
Journals or scientific work that has not been published or

6. Academic Information
o Schedule of lectures
o Schedule the exam
o Academic Calendar
o The course syllabus
o Values Online

7. Student organizations
o Student Representative Council
o Student Executive Board
o HMJ etc.

8. Photo gallery
Includes photo images, fasililitas / buildings, professors and faculty activities.

9. Interactive services
o Forum
o Chat Box
o Guest book

Contact us here

>>>Indonesian Language
Pendirian Website Lembaga Pendidikan

Di era globalisasi sekarang ini, pemanfaatan internet kita memasyarakat di setiap bidang kehidupan manusia, termasuk institusi pendidikan yang kini hampir seluruhnya telah mempunyai fasilitas internet dan website sebagai salah satu bentuk pelayanan informasi kepada Mahasiswa, Dosen, alumni dan masyarakat umum.

Website itu sendiri adalah salah satu bentuk media massa yang publikasinya melalui jaringan internet, website ini dapat diakses 24 jam dan dari belahan bumi manapun. Kelebihan lain dari publikasi melalui website adalah kemampuan interaktif dan penyebarannya yang sangat cepat.

Melalui website, institusi pendidikan dapat mempublikasikan profil lembaganya dan dapat memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa dan dosen untuk meng‐online‐ kan tulisan, abstrak skripsi , jurnal dan karya ilmiah lainnya.

Oleh karena itu, kami dari KonPerSi (komunitas Peduli Informasi) Sebuah komunitas para blogger yang mengembangkan CMS seperti joomla dan aura cms, sehingga membangun web menjadi sederhana dan murah. mencoba bekerja sama dengan sekolah yang anda pimpin dalam rangka pembuatan website, yang merupakan pintu gerbang institusi pendidikan untuk go public secara murah dan cepat.

Manfaat website bagi dunia pendidikan adalah:
1. Branding company
-Mempublikasikan profil lembaga kepada pelajar calon Mahasiswa, alumni, media massa, dan masyarakat umum
-Mempublikasikan prestasi‐prestasi Lembaga dan keunggulan‐keunggulan
Institusi yang anda pimpin
-Pembuatan website akan membentuk brand bahwa Lembaga yang anda kelola merupakan institusi profesional di mata Mahasiswa, masyarakat dan orang tua wali
-Memasukkan alamat website anda ke kop surat dan setiap publikasi lainnya akan
sangat membantu untuk meningkatkan brand Lembaga anda

2. Pusat Dokumentasi digital
-Mendigitalkan arsip makalah/tulisan atau presentasi seminar baik sebelum atau sesudah acara sehingga dapat diakses kapanpun dan dimanapun dari internet.
-Pusat pameran foto kegiatan yang ditampilkan sebagai album foto galeri online.

3. Menyajikan informasi uptodate
- Mempublikasikan berita terbaru baik liputan sendiri maupun cuplikan dari media massa.
-Mensosialisasikan agenda kegiatan lembaga atau organisasi mahasiswa.

4. Pelayanan interaktif
- Survey dan jajak pendapat online
- Forum diskusi yaitu tempat diskusi mengenai sebuah topic, yang akan
memperkaya wawasan para Mahasiswa.
- Buku tamu online, pengunjung dapat memberikan komentar / kritik dan saran
kepada lembaga .
- Meng‐online‐kan abstrak, skripsi, jurnal dan karya ilmiah lainnya sehingga dapat
dapat di download oleh mahasiswa lain terutama dari luar kota.
- Mendigitalkan buku koleksi lembaga, baik tulisan dari lembaga atau dari luar
- Merekam materi kuliah dari dosen dalam bentuk tulisan dan suara digital dan
dipublikasi kan di intene
- Meng-onlinekan Pendaftaran, Pembayaran dan Mengeluarkan Nilai Online.

Perkiraan isi website (standar untuk lembaga anda) adalah:
1. Profil
oSambutan Rektor/Kepala Sekolah
Berisi sambutan Bapak Rektor/Kepala Sekolah mengenai website ini
o Visi/misi dan tujuan
o Sejarah
o Struktur pimpinan
o Sistem pendidikan
Berisi informasi seputar SKS, dll
o Peta kampus

2. Fasilitas
o Lab komputer
Berisi informasi jumlah, spesifikasi, dan isi komputer. Dan juga pengelola,
instruktur dan kurikulum yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa.
o Perpustakaan
Berisi informasi jumlah buku, pengelola, ketentuan keanggotaan/
peminjaman, dan lainnya.
o Pusat Pengembangan
o Fasilitas Pendukung

3. Informasi Pendaftaran
Berisi informasi ketentuan pendaftaran untuk mahasiswa baru
oSeleksi siswa berpotensi
o Ujian saringan masuk
o Pindah dari PT/Sekolah lain
o Pendaftaran ulang
o Pengunduran diri

4. Registrasi / Pendaftaran ulang
Berisi informasi ketentuan pendaftaran untuk mahasiswa lama
o Syarat Registrasi Administrasi
o Tempat dan Waktu Registrasi Administrasi
o Bila tidak Melakukan Registrasi Administrasi
o Jadwal Pembayaran SPP

4 Berita
Agenda kegiatan sampai akhir tahun akademik
o Berita
Kumpulan arsip informasi berita sebelumnya
o Kerjasama nasional dan internasional
Informasi berita kerja sama yang pernah dilakukan Antar Kampus

5. Media online
o Buletin
Berisi isi buletin yang pernah diterbitkan Kampus/Sekolah (selama file‐nya masih
o Jurnal
Jurnal atau karya ilmiah yang belum atau sudah dipublikasikan

6. Informasi akademik
o Jadwal kuliah
o Jadwal ujian
o Kalender akademik
o Silabus mata kuliah
o Nilai Online

7. Organisasi mahasiswa
o Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa
o Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa
o HMJ dll

8. Galeri foto
Berisi foto gambar fasililitas/bangunan, dosen dan kegiatan fakultas.

9. Layanan interaktif
o Forum Diskusi
o Chat Box
o Buku tamu

Hubungi kami disini

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

HP Camera settings so Webcam On Ubuntu

Posted by Ujie Caprone 08.14, under ,,,, | No comments

The following documentation is how to make hp camera into a webcam so that we can utilize a relatively rare feature to be utilized. for this documentation uses MT6225 device that is usually embedded in china hp products ex. beyond, nexian etc.
hp coincidence that in use is beyond.

The following are the steps:

~ Connect the hp to usbnya cable company, then the mob will see several menus and select the webcam.
~ Check whether the device detected
$ Sudo dmesg | grep usb

aq get the following pieces:

[257.124039] usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2
[257.341679] usb 2-2: configuration # 1 chosen from 1 choice
[257.372519] input: MT6225 as / devices/pci0000: 00/0000: 00:1 d.0/usb2/2-2/2-2: 1.0/input/input10
[696.552127] usb 2-2: USB disconnect, address 2
[726.192072] usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3
[726.465646] usb 2-2: configuration # 1 chosen from 1 choice
[726.496515] input: MT6225 as / devices/pci0000: 00/0000: 00:1 d.0/usb2/2-2/2-2: 1.0/input/input11
[1664.000121] usb 2-2: USB disconnect, address 3

if you find such information can be ascertained that means your device has been detected hp

~ Install UVC webcam driver
$ Sudo apt-get install luvcview
$ Sudo apt-get install uvccapture

if it is now open your cheese applications.
$ Sudo cheese
if not already installed to do the installation.
$ Sudo apt-get install cheese

you can now has an webcam that can be taken anywhere

Setting Modem in Ubuntu Venus VT12

Posted by Ujie Caprone 08.04, under ,,, | No comments

One interesting experience is when I create a Dial-Up Modem CDMA Modem VT12 use with Flexi Card Unlimited.

Basically, CDMA Modem setting in all Linux distributions the same, also on Ubuntu. The advantages are most felt when setting up the CDMA modem in Ubuntu is that we do not require special drivers, different from the "Window" which requires us to install the drivers built-Venus VT12.

Setting Dial Up Modem Venus VT12 in Ubuntu is very easy, even for newbie.
steps are:

1. Plug the modem into the Company and make sure the modem is already kedetek ama Ubuntu

To check if your modem is already kedetek what has not lived her entrance at Terminal Ubuntu then type "dmesg". Klo dah words "ttyUSB0" or "ttyUSB1" or "ttyUSB2", etc. in one row of the result command "dmesg" means the modem was successfully recognized by Ubuntu dah. This applies not only to modems Venus, but for other modems.

2. One of the tools to create a Dial Up is the "wvdial". To install wvdial please download here. Then the downloaded earlier in the extract into a folder, for example extracted in / home/Venus12

3.ketikkan command in the terminal

caprone @ ubuntu-desktop: ~ $ cd / home/Venus12

sudo dpkg-i *. deb

4.edit wvdial configuration by typing the command in terminal

gksudo gedit / etc / wvdial.conf

replace commands in the wvdial.conf with the following command

[Dialer Flexi]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 FCLASS = 0
Modem Type = Analog Modem
Baud = 230 400
New Grab Bag = yes
Modem = / dev/ttyUSB0
ISDN = 0
Phone = # 777
Password = telkom
Username = xxxxxxxxx @ free
FlowControl = crtscts
Stupid Mode = 1
Compuserve = 0
Idle Seconds = 300

Save and exit

5.Untuk to dial the modem type the command "sudo wvdial" (without the quotes)
kalo dah no writing

Primary IP Address:
Secondary IP Address:

at the end of the text that appears, then the connection is successful dah. Continue by browsing .....

6.Untuk disconnect just press the "Ctrl c"
Those are some steps setting wvdial using VT12 Modem in Ubuntu.

Hopefully help ......

after getting no IP
then you can surf. if it is not used, you can stop the software with Ctrl c

Download wvdial here

Setting Smart Modem in Ubuntu

Posted by Ujie Caprone 08.00, under ,,, | No comments

1. plug the modem via the data cable to our computer, then go into terminal (applications> accessories> terminal) and login as root with sudo su command our attention with the command lsusb and there is the addition of new devices ... there is not yet kedeteksi brand by kita.kita remove kernel modules usbserial who mistakenly detecting devices using modprobe-r usbserial

2. use modprobe usbserial vendor = 0 × 15eb product = 0 × 0001

the results we detected the modem as ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 we can see with dmesg command

download and install it all and install in Ubuntu;

3. After a successful install wvdial above, edit the wvdial in the following manner:

$ Sudo gedit / etc / wvdial.conf

enter the following configuration:

[Dialer Smart]

Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0 = 0 & C1 & D2 FCLASS = 0
Init3 = at crm = 1; cmux = 1; cps = 33; CTA = 0
Modem Type = Analog Modem
ISDN = 0
Phone = # 777
Modem = / dev/ttyUSB0
Username = smart
Password = smart
Baud = 460 800
Stupid Mode = 1

Then do the ppp configuration settings by typing:

$ Sudo gedit / etc / ppp / options

asyncmap 0
idle 1000000

After all done live type wrote:

$ Sudo wvdial Smart

Oh yes do not forget this gives a chance then firefox will be offline modes, to make browsing first remove the check in work offline from the file menu in your firefox.

to disconect press CTRL-C wrote

What is System Volume Information???

Posted by Ujie Caprone 07.39, under ,,,,, | No comments

If you are using Windows XP Home or Professional, and settings for the folders are hidden (Hidden system) is displayed, you will see a folder named "System Volume Information" on drive C: D: and others. Sometimes we can not open this folder, or if you can, then to access the file can not. Actually, what function or purpose of this folder?

Folder "System Volume Information" is a Hidden System folder (a hidden folder / deliberately hidden by the windows system) used by System Restore to store information and restore points. But this time is often a virus nest

As is known, that Windows XP Home / Professional includes a Restore Point function, namely the facility to cope when there is a new program is installed and cause computer problems, to restore the windows for a moment / time before the new program is installed (called a Restore Point). When you do restore the computer, data or documents will not be lost. Well, the data restore points are saved in a folder named "System Volume Information" is.

This folder will exist on each drive / partition windows, for example C:, D: and others. Indeed see folders function is quite important, but sometimes can be dangerous. Because access is limited, then this folder is often used by viruses to save duplication of himself and a virus can attack again (back on) if you do a restore. In addition, we usually can not access this folder. Even antivirus detects a virus in this folder sometimes can not remove it.

Actually, if it is not so important this facility can be turned off, because in addition often a virus nest, too often takes quite a lot of disk space. To set it can open the Start Menu> All Programs> Accessories> System Tools> System Restore. To turn off this feature checks the menu "Turn off System Restore for all drives".

If you believe your computer is virus free, then these facilities can also be activated, which needs to be regulated may only use hard drive space. Each drive C:, D: and others can be limited to maximum use of his space by clicking the Settings button on each drive.

Is there a way to access this folder?

Yes, there are several different ways on how to access this folder. To note only the windows that are used (Home or Professional) and type of file system (FAT32 or NTFS) that can be known by the right-click Drive C:, D: or others in windows explorer and select Properties.

Source: Ebsoft

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Introduction and Explanation Computers

Posted by Ujie Caprone 08.08, under , | No comments

Computers in the term has different meanings for everyone. The term comes from the Latin "computare" which means to calculate / to reckon

According Blissmer (1985), the computer is an electronic device capable of performing several tasks, namely to receive input, process the input according to the instructions given, keep the commandments and the results of its processing, and provides output in the form of information.

According to Sanders (1985), the computer is an electronic system to manipulate data quickly and accurately as well as designed and organized in order to automatically receive and store input data, process it, and produce output based on instructions that have been stored in the memory. And many more experts who are trying to define it differently on the computer. However, in essence it can be concluded that the computer is
an electronic device that can receive input, process input, provide information, using a program stored in computer memory, can store programs and data processing, and works automatically.

From the definition, there are three important terms, namely the input (data), data processing, and information (output). Data processing using a computer is known as electronic data processing (PDE) or elecronic data processing (EDP). Data is a collection of events that removed from a fact (fact), can be numbers, letters, special symbols, or combination of all three. The data still can not tell you much that needs to be further processed.

Data processing is a process of manipulation of data into a form that is more useful and more means, namely in the form of an information. Thus, information is the result of a data processing activities that provide a more meaningful form of a fact. Therefore, electronic data processing is the process of manipulation of data into more meaningful form of an information by using an electronic device, namely a computer.

Contact Us

Posted by Ujie Caprone 06.28, under | No comments

Ujie Caprone
T. Wan Abdul Rahman Street
Hill district highway
Pekanbaru City - Riau Province


Ujie Caprone
Jl. T. Wan Abdul Rahman
Pekanbaru - Riau
Kec. Bukit Raya

About Me

Posted by Ujie Caprone 06.16, under | No comments

Ujie Caprone

Here I try to share what I know, especially about computers, Internet, Web Blog, and Techniques of Hacking. It has been my first post on my blog before but this time I will share in English only.

OK, without a lot of the story is good that we continue to read my articles that I provide on this website.